nico lee
A Good Lie Ain't Easy
A Good Lie Ain’t Easy’ is a heart-warming tale about not staying true to yourself and all the joy that can bring to family and friends. Set on the road, somewhere between the cheap ache of nostalgia and the numb regret of last night, it charts the trajectory of four young drifters, three farm-boys and one English girl- with a fine set of startlingly All-American teeth, as they attempt to remain as emotionally stunted as the great nation they’re listlessly traversing. Here’s a clue it’s not Canada. But you are getting close…Of course, it’s hard now to imagine what the land of opportunity was like, back then. A time when Grindr was just the name of a really bitchin’ death-metal band. A time when box sets were far from ubiquitous and myspace had yet to become a website, let alone a term, which when put into google, produces overwhelmingly the result, ‘what is myspace?’ A time when we somehow survived, even though, our pizza crust was, in the main, made up of… well, pizza crust.
Mmmm, pizza crust…
Damn, now I’m getting hungry.
Tell you what, how about we just get on with this?
After all, it's about to start.
So buckle up, hombre.
And put down that slice.
Life may be like a box of pizza, but unlike bad metaphors., pizza and asphalt don't mix.
A Good Lie Ain't Easy will be available March 2017

Nico Lee's first novel A Good Lie Ain't Easy, will be published by those lovely folks at Mega Dodo Press down in sunny Berkshire in early 2017.